- satellite remote sensing
- телеметрический сбор спутниковой информации
Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу. 2013.
Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу. 2013.
remote sensing satellite — tolimojo stebėjimo palydovas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. remote observation satellite; remote sensing satellite vok. Fernüberwachungssatellit, m; Fernsondierungssatellit, m rus. спутник дистанционного зондирования, m pranc.… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Remote sensing (archaeology) — Remote sensing techniques in archaeology are an increasingly important component of the technical and methodological tool set available in archaeological research. Rindfuss,Ronald R and Stern, Paul C. Linking Remote Sensing and Social Science:… … Wikipedia
Remote sensing — There are two kinds of remote sensing. Passive sensors detect natural energy (radiation) that is emitted or reflected by the object or surrounding area being observed. Reflected sunlight is the most common source of radiation measured by passive… … Wikipedia
Remote sensing application — A remote sensing application is a software application that processes remote sensing data. Remote sensing applications are similar to graphics software, but they enable generating geographic information from satellite and airborne sensor data.… … Wikipedia
Remote Sensing — Die Fernerkundung (englisch: Remote Sensing) ist die Gesamtheit der Verfahren zur Gewinnung von Informationen über die Erdoberfläche oder anderer nicht direkt zugänglicher Objekte durch Messung und Interpretation der von ihr ausgehenden (Energie… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Remote sensing — Die Fernerkundung (englisch: Remote Sensing) ist die Gesamtheit der Verfahren zur Gewinnung von Informationen über die Erdoberfläche oder anderer nicht direkt zugänglicher Objekte durch Messung und Interpretation der von ihr ausgehenden (Energie… … Deutsch Wikipedia
remote sensing — /rəmoʊt ˈsɛnsɪŋ/ (say ruhmoht sensing) noun the identification of data, usually about features of the earth or other bodies in space, from a satellite, aeroplane, etc. –remote sensing, adjective …
National Remote Sensing Centre — (NRSC), located at Hyderabad is one of the centres of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), striving to realise the Indian Space Vision, as a key player in Earth Observation Programme and Disaster Management Support programme. NRSC is… … Wikipedia
Indian Institute of Remote Sensing — The Indian Institute of Remote Sensing is the training and education arm of the Indian Department of Space. Located in Dehradun, the institute offers a variety of courses in Remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), ranging in… … Wikipedia
Collocation (remote sensing) — Collocation is a procedure used in remote sensing to match measurements from two or more different instruments. This is done for two main reasons: for validation purposes when comparing measurements of the same variable, and to relate… … Wikipedia
Earth remote sensing — is data collection on the environment, geology, climate, and other characteristics of the Earth by means of sensors positioned in the air or in Earth orbit. Sensors used for this type of data gathering include those covering all parts of the… … Wikipedia